Partition Basket
Partition Basket
The adjustable partition basket can be used to keep variety of things separatly. They make the space more organized & easy to handle. The partition may be adjusted according to change of requirement..

1. Not Given
S.No. Quantity Dimension Add To Cart
1 W:9 D:20 H:4
2 W:9 D:20 H:6
3 W:9 D:20 H:8
4 W:12 D:20 H:4
5 W:12 D:20 H:6
6 W:12 D:20 H:8
7 W:13 D:20 H:4
8 W:13 D:20 H:6
9 W:13 D:20 H:8
10 W:15 D:16 H:4
11 W:15 D:16 H:6
12 W:15 D:16 H:8

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